** COMING SOON!!! **

Need your music reviewed and critiqued by industry pros that will give it to you straight? Then submit your music to us and be featured on our site. Hip-Hop enthusiast and fashion designer Moms The Muscle doesn't hold her tongue or spare anyone's feelings when it comes to whether or not you're making quality music. If you're good, you're good. But if you aren't.... Moms The Muscle will DEFINITETLY let you know that!!!
As this show is currently still in it's development stages, we are actively seeking to book a number of artist to be the first few to be interviewed and critiqued by our resident expert, Moms The Muscle. Her opinions may be tough and somewhat bias, but her experience in the music industry grants her the credibility and respect that she so deeply deserves. As a black woman born in the mid sixties, she witnessed the culture of our country shift and seen the music evolve from sappy love songs sung by artist who behind the scene were nothing like what they betrayed in their music, into what it was in the early 90's era, and finally what it has become in this present day and age. And while she applauds today's artist for speaking whatever they feel instead of what they assume people want to hear and might sell, she has become extremely outspoken about the lack of creativity and "wow factor" in the music that most musicians release today. And why is her opinion worth more than your weight in gold, you ask?? Well aside from being a bonifide Hip-Hop enthusiast who has been in love with music for over 50 years, she also happens to be the mother of the super talented hardcore hip-hop artist A-1 Thee Assas'n. And when you meet this woman you will know that A-1 is NOT joking one bit about how he was raised and why he is the way he is. He gets it honest. And the person who trained that man to be numb to emotion is none other than the Black Heart queen herself, Ms. Williams a.k.a. Moms The Muscle!!!
The entire purpose of this music review program is ultimately provide the TRUTH to musicians who need the honest words and thoughts of an actual music consumer, and not the bullshit ass kissing that they are accustomed to hearing from the "yes men" and their friends and family that "love everything they have ever recorded" and think that they are "the greatest rapper or singer to ever walk the Earth". Because lets face it, we ALL know a few people like that. But the thing is, when someone hears that all the time they begin to believe it, even if their skills are absolute garbage. So the family and friends that feed them that dishonesty is actually HURTING THEM AND THEIR CAREER, not helping them!!! In order to grow as an artist and master your craft you NEED someone to be real with you and tell you where you can improve. And that's the main mission we strive to achieve. Granted, the opinions expressed here are only the thoughts of a few people and in no way means that their opinions are correct and should be accepted as law, but at the same time, someone's professional opinion when backed by multiple years of experience, DESERVES TO BE HEARD AND RESPECTED. And an intelligent man would take what an experienced mentor says into serious consideration!!!
The benefits of appearing on our program are way too many to list, so we'll just cover a couple of the main ones. Like the fact that whether you recieve a terrific review or get laughed at in your face, the exposure you will recieve will do othing but add value to your career!!! Like they say, "Theirs no such thing as bad publicity". And since we here at Lost Echo have an invested interest in promoting and marketing this music review, that means you too, if you appear on an episode of the review, will reap the benefits of a team of promotion experts and professionals marketing this material which in turn also promotes you and your brand and places you in front of a worldwide audience who may have never otherwise heard of you or your music before then. So imagine what that can do for your music sales, your online streams, plays, and downloads. Think of how many potential new fans you can reach and what all you can gain by participating in our music review. Do you see what I'm saying? This could lead to your big break in the industry. This could very well be the decision that changes your life FOREVER!!
And here's the best part ... right now (and for a limited time only) we are accepting participants to have their music reviewed on our program and promoted worldwide for ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE WHATSOEVER!!! Yes, we are 100% serious!!! NO CHARGE. FREE. ZERO DOLLARS. But this promotion will not last long so I suggest that you submit your music as quickly as possible because once the artist who we want to review have been chosen and the first season of production has been booked, then fees will apply to all other musicians going forward. So don't miss your opportunity to be heard by industry professionals who can give you solid advice and tips of the trade that can really make a difference in your career. People who love music as much as you do and want to see you do great things. People who have the connections to get you exactly where you want to be in life. And people who are willing to give you all these awesome benefits ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!!
Don't waste anymore time. Apply NOW!!!!!
To enter for your chance to be featured on this exciting and brand new music review program, simply follow the instructions below.....
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