Conducted by the prolific author known only as "Anonymous Writer"
JULY 2023 ** The A-1 Thee Assas'n Interview **
After years of countless encounters with musicians with all types of personality disorders, sexual control issues, and bullshit backstories, I was extremely interested in locating and interviewing an underground rap artist that an associate of mine introduced me to some years back (whose career I've been following like a sports fanatic watches the big game). Though he is a nationally recognized Hip-Hop artist and entrepreneur, an ex-con, and a certified underground music legend, many still have never heard of him. He's somehow managed to be famous AND unknown at the exact same time. I know, that makes no sense, but somehow, that's a reality for the veteran musician aptly named A-1 Thee Assas'n.
When I met him for the first time, I entered the meeting place with the expectation of seeing some common looking street thug type with braids, a forty ounce and his pants hanging off of his ass. I mean, unfortunately, that's the stereotype assigned to those who write and perform his style of gangsta rap as well as the audience that happens to listen to any type of hardcore hip-hop period. But to my utter surprise I was greeted by a handsome and intelligent young man who claimed to be the very "thug" I had come there to meet. A-1, standing all of about five feet and five inches tall, is not physically intimidating in the least - as far as size is concerned - but during our two and a half hours spent getting to know one another, it was painfully obvious that not only I, but everyone else in the establishment we met at, was seriously in immediate danger. I have never once in my entire life felt the aura of raw energy that I felt radiating from this man. No exaggeration.
Keeping my composure and professionalism as the mask to hide my uncertainty, I went forth asking questions and making light jokes in an attempt to fool myself into thinking that I was maybe overreacting. This little guy can't be really causing all the commotion and be the subject of all the rumors I'm hearing, can he? I mean, shit, look at the guy, he says he's in his 30's but looks as though he's in his early twenties. He's well groomed, talks very proper and educated, even drives a car that's fit more for a bank manager than a legendary dangerous criminal. If I didn't already know who he really was, I'd probably let him date my daughter. After all, at first glance he "appears" to be the ideal son-in-law. Owns his own business (actually, several of them), drives a modern car, well respected in the community, very polite and well mannered. And the use of his extensive knowledge is impressive to say the least. He's either super-super extremely old and acquired his knowledge of details from eons of experience, or this young man has been here on Earth before. Take that how you want, but unless you know him personally, or have at least met this man, you won't fully grasp this uncanny understanding that he holds. It's really amazing, but also VERY frightening at the same time.
Now remember, before this face-to-face meeting I had been scouring the entire internet searching for any information I could possibly gather about him and listening to his music religiously. Even now, I can still attest that A-1 Thee Assas'n is not only my favorite rapper of all time, but the most interesting person I've ever had the opportunity to meet. So during the time we sat and spoke I was conflicted between the feelings of unexplainable terror and a child-like admiration. I mean, no matter what they say or think about the guy, he is undeniably talented and intelligent beyond his years. And he has a way of disarming you with simply a sentence and a smile. Even though I can literally feel his energy is not that of a human, I strangely still relaxed and felt as if I was now under HIS protection, and honestly, I felt a feeling of peace and security I haven't felt since I was a small child. And I loved it. That being said, when I sit and think about it, and I mean really sit back and think about it... there's absolutely no way that A-1 is 100% human!! I know I'm not crazy. I felt what I felt and I saw what I saw. No one could ever even attempt to try to convince otherwise. Facts are facts.
But as the time traveled away from us, I found myself mesmerized by the charm and wit of this thirty-something year old rapper that to me was the very definition of an anomaly. The poster-boy of a Gemini. The positive and negative aspects of all that life can manifest.
And suddenly, without warning, while I was in the midst of asking him a very VERY personal question, the gentlemen whom were seated at the table across from us and another pair of well dressed men that migrated our way from the front of the building, all came toward A-1 like an FBI raid, but these were no federal agents. The swiftness of their movements and sense of urgency frightened me at first, then I turn to look at A-1's face and seen that he was not surprised or frightened by the approach of these men. They exchanged a few words and A-1 Thee Assas'n then issued instructions to the four men who immediately sprang to action as if animated. The look of confusion and surprise must have been written all over my face, because theirs no way I could hide it. Still slightly shaken by the interruption of these unknown men, I decided to just straight out ask.... "So what in the fuck was that about? Were those men FBI or CIA or something? What's goin on A-1?" And without even taking the time to think of a lie to feed me, A-1 says with all sincerity, "Oh fuck no. They have way more pull than FBI can ever dream of having. But they don't carry a badge or no shit like that. And plus, being affiliated with me, there's no way they're the fuckin' police. Ya know? But I really don't know of a way I can explain things to you to meet your comprehension." Then A-1 thought to himself for a few seconds before returning with this honest but illogical explanation.. "I guess you can say... they work for me".
At that very moment one of the four men that had previously came once again approached our table and addressed A-1 with caution and humility, almost like he was afraid to speak too loudly or upset him somehow. After a few words were whispered in each others ears, A-1's head retracted from their conversation so he can look the man in the face. I saw A-1 give this large man a nod of his head and the burly, ex-military looking gentlemen quickly turned and marched off with speed and purpose. As I watched him walk away, in my head I realized I was even more confused than I was before. A million or more questions sped through my thoughts and before I could open my lips to ask a single one of em', A-1 rose to his feet and announced that he must leave immediately and offered me his apologies. An empty but sinking feeling found it's way in my stomach. I felt like a high school girl being dumped at the homecoming dance. Granted, the interview was only suppose to be an hour long and we were then pushing over two and a half hours and counting, but I came to really like this guy and enjoy his company. Before I could stop myself I heard my voice begin to rapidly ask him question after question as he gulped the last of his eighth alcoholic drink and gathered the few items that lay on the face of the table and walk off with this relaxed look of confidence that you'd swear only a medieval king should wear. As he shuffled past me to head toward the exit I noticed the secret signs and symbols tattooed on his skin and knew immediately that I recognized a couple of them to belong to the Freemasons, and the other one I barely caught a glance of, but I could've swore it was an illuminati insignia. The sight of these symbols made chills run down my spine and I stopped speaking in the middle of one of the many rapid-fire questions I had been asking him. Without missing a step or een slowing his escape he turned his head to respond back to me what would be the final words I heard him speak. "We'll continue this conversation another time. I promise you. In time, all can be revealed. Until then, share the information I just gave you. And listen to that HALF ANGEL EP again. Carefully. It's an autobiography." Then as he was about to cross the threshold of the doorway and out of my line of sight he yelled, "If you don't, I'll come find you".
Those words have haunted me daily.
Back on my daily grind of working six days a week, it took me a total of sixty-six days to complete the written article I was working on of my encounter with 1 (which is what I heard people refer to A-1 as. Simply, 1) And on the 67th day I rested. Or at least tried to. With the article completed I was hoping this fucker would magically appear out of thin air or something. Anything. I was just dying to talk to him again. The article was written in the guise of a "Blog / Interview" style and was titled :
"Breaking into the Mainstream:
The Struggles of A-1 Thee Assas'n and other Underground Musicians"
With the subtitle area dedicated to revealing eye-catching information designed to attract and hook whom I was told to target. Musicians. It read:
To be completely up front and honest, I really REALLY did not want to release this artile once I had finshed composing it and read it myself. The written piece was beautifully well thought and laid within a professional format that you'd expect nothing less of, coming from me, for those who are familiar with my previous works. But the content....... the content combined with what I witnessed with my own eyes scared the fuck out of me! Now listen, I don't know if you people out there reading this believe in those wild and crazy stories of the illuminati and the new world order and secret societies and angels and demons, and prophecies and all that shit, because before now, I didn't either. But let me tell you, I think it's even way deeper than that. And over the years I've managed to locate and contact a couple of others that have also met A-1 Thee Assas'n in person and felt that same surge of energy radiating from him that I felt and they all say the same thing I said... "This man is not a normal human being". Most of these idiots on the internet are too blinded by the rumors and gossip of A-1 possibly being involved in some fuckin illuminati plot or some other bullshit distraction technique the government uses to occupy the citizen's attention. Meanwhile, the truth is much more sinister than anyone could imagine.----- And I'm gonna say this even tho it could cost me my career and very possibly even my life. But I've never in my days alive experienced the flow of emotions I felt when I was in the presence of A-1. And it's not like he's some sort of superstar rock singer or Prince from Saudi Arabia. He's an American rapper. An underground artist at that. Convicted felon. Short tempered. Extremely violent. But at the same time he's a fuckin drug. A walking hit that is easy to get addicted to. And being around him for more than a few seconds can get you hooked. The shit ain't normal. And I've become obsessive with discovering who and what A-1 really is and I honest to God think that the "message" he wanted me to hear in the HALF ANGEL EP wasn't "hidden" at all. I think he is more than serious with the title of that CD, because trust me, I've met this man, and he sure the fuck isn't 100% human! That's a damn fact. So whatever he is..... some half angel slash demon slash God or a fuckin alien for all we know, but all I DO know is that he is not human. There's shit going on in this world right in front of our faces that some are trying to keep secret from us. Laugh at me all you want, but listen when I tell you, there's an invasion coming. Not of little green aliens or the fuckin Chinese either. This is much worse. They shapeshift. They come with smiles as their weapons. They disarm your defenses by gaining your trust. Then it's too late. We're doomed. Not to mention the powers they yield if we DO decide to try and fight back. I mean, fuck. Basically we're all screwed. A-1 is just one of many. Maybe not even the first, but he's definitely apart of this invasion. The Angel Invasion.
I had been listening and trying to decipher the messeges hidden within the six song EP, HALF ANGEL, which I was mailed an advance copy of only seven days after my meeting with A-1. Everyday I analyzed the lyrics of every rhyme he performed, every adlib he spoke, and every breath that he took. My imagination supplied me with an ample amount of conspiracy theories and double meanings and parables of all types, but inside my soul I knew that I still had not found what it was that I was looking for. Maybe one of you can help me figure this out. If you happen to hear something that no one else hears within the HALF ANGEL EP, then please, by all means, email me immediately and bring it to my attention. In the mean time, I'll continue to listen to these six songs on the daily. Not to discover some secret code, but because, well, shit, it's officially the hottest CD of the summer. 1 only gave us six songs that even when combined didn't add to 20 minutes worth of music, yet it is the best 17 minutes and 50 something seconds of my day every single time I play it. His music is addictive, and so is his presence. I urge you to handle with caution. This is not your normal artist.
If you haven't heard The "HALF ANGEL EP" then it's time to wake up and get familiar!!! There's a lot of action going on in the music industry today but none as impressive as this man here. From surviving a murder attempt to several years spent in prison to being released and seeking revenge, A-1 Thee Assas'n narrates beautifully about the life that was nearly taken from him by his own trusted "friends" and the journey to improve his and his families lives while struggling, depressed, and barely surviving.
There are many musicians out there - not only in rap music but also in all other genres - that preach and sing about subjects that they themselves have no real world experience in. They convince you that they live a certain way or lead a type of life that in reality couldn't be farther from the truth. Well NO ONE could ever accuse A-1 of such deception. From his families history to his own dark past to his present day situation, A-1 Thee Assas'n has spoken nothing but truth and the small circle of close knit friends and family he surrounds himself with are fanatical about protecting him. Almost to the point of obsession. A true rarity you'd have to see with your own eyes to fully understand. But it's not only friends and family. Ancient organizations like Freemason's and the G.O.S. also devote resources to follow and protect this young man 24 hours a day!! That's on the level of presidential style protection duties... for a musician! For a "rapper" at that. Begs the question of "Who is A-1 really?" Doesn't it? Or what power or knowledge this man has to have some of the most cunning, powerful, and deadly secret societies treat him as if he's the messiah? On second thought, maybe I DON'T really wanna know. I can say with certainty that his musical talent is sure to shine bright for many years and years to come. His recording and performance schedule is astonishing. He revealed that in addition to writing and recording music he also handles the business end of not only his affairs but the dealings of the artist he represents that are apart of his label and publishing, Black Heart Music Entertainment. The few lucky artist under his leadership are said to enjoy the fruits of this workaholic, who by the way doesn't charge them a penny (that's right, he doesn't charge his artist a thing), but still benefit from the publicity, promotion, and unworldly knowledge from this poetic guru. When asked why he feels he should extend such a helping hand, A-1 replied with this comment...
"I don't want anything from my team but dedication and perfection. The money is a for sure thing. It will come. Plus, I make enough to be continue breathing and that's all I need really. But I choose to work with the artist that I work with because they hold a gift so incredibly powerful that it can move mountains and change the fabric of reality. Thing is, they don't know how to properly use the powers they possess, and I can help them with that. I can see to it that they learn the ways of the one and completely master the craft. If that knowledge is what they seek, I can show them that path. And if knowledge is power, how can any amount of money possibly compensate?"

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